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The web interface is developed by a company in the UK called ANT Ltd. The browser is designed for use with TV's. It is extremely easy to use though a little slow as the NEC processor basically has to do everything in the unit.

If you intend to use the web interface, get the keyboard. It is likely that you will just visit click sites but if you use the web interface to access you mail or to use the embedded AOL messenger service the remote control is a cumbersome interface.

The only thing I did notice about the interface is that secure websites such as your bank and credit card sites have a little difficulty, maybe this is because the unit isn't setup to handle cookies.


Unfortunately I ran out of time to fully get into the GUI of the system, because of an unfortunate car accident (pics and write up coming shortly!). This rushed the GUI write up but I have to say even given the pitfalls the GUI is great! The only major gripe is that of the filing system and song search. Prismiq say they have some great new interfaces coming shortly including search engines and so forth...

To conclude, I know everyone wants to know whether I would get one. The answer is yes, the software has pushed forward hugely since the products release 6 months ago, and is making advancements monthly.

Would I get this over other players currently available on the market? well given today's alternatives this unit is great as far as streaming video and web tools go, certainly if you have the keyboard. I would also argue that sound quality is also noticeably better than alternatives on the market place though this is let down by the filing system - The filing system really got to me, but this is just software, with this fixed the unit would excel.

Yes I would definitely get one if I was looking for another MP3 system particularly since it has the video and web tools also.

Also check back... If Prismiq make some changes I will try to cover them with Prismiq's assistance.

Prismiq looked up my review and were kind enough to send me a quick letter with a bit of feedback (letter dated 6th July 2003). The letter has been saved in a Adobe Acrobat format (*.PDF) <Click Here to Read It!>



Release Date Author Notes:
June 20th 2003 User A Java-based Prismiq remote control <Click to download> (7 Kb).
July 8th 2003 Prismiq Linux release of the Server Side software made available! (18 Mb).
July 20th 2003 User Pronto Remote Control File <Click to download> (4 Kb).


Data based on a review
completed in June 2003.
In other words - things do change!